Samadhi, is the final step in Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. Samadhi means “putting together” and is often translated as integration or absorption. A stage we may come to when practicing Dharana and Dhyana.
This stage is a liberation from the bondage of the egoic mind. All the likes and dislikes, judgments, worries and fears disappear. It is a pure state of being, immersed in the enjoyment of each moment as a sacred act.
In Samadhi, you are the Divine Creator, fully realized from the illusion of separation. We are Sat Chit Ananda. Existence, consciousness, bliss.
We have to remember that Samadhi is elusive to those who directly seek it.
We understand fully where we come from and embrace where we are going.
We have to remind ourselves that it is a journey not a destination.
Practicing the eight limbs of yoga is a roadmap given by Patanjali to free us from the confines of social conditions, collective and personal ego. They help us to rise up and break old patterns and habits. Whether we attain samadhi in this lifetime ,or not, it is still a journey towards spiritual growth. With this path, we become full of love and compassion, we care for the welfare of all beings, and we care for our planet Earth.
When embarking on this journey we move through life with a constant reminder of our Divine nature and our hearts are forever filled with Divine love.
Painting by Natalie Keinan