It is a time of year in which we are called to awaken to our best potential, from bondage to liberation.
There is something typological about the number 4 or 40. It is said in Pirkei Avot that forty is the age of wisdom.
It could be a time in one’s life when pretense is no longer an option. A time to let go of falsehood. A time in which we can no longer hide, conceal or play the game just to be loved, or to fit in. A time comes when we wish to be real, to be seen for what we truly are.
Many of us change paths at the age of 40. It may be the age when we dare to look and reflect on the life we’ve been living and realize that we had very little to do with choosing the path we are on. Realizing how precious life is, we wish to let go of that which no longer serves us and transform to a better, brighter version of ourselves.
It is so appropriate for the theme of transformation to be examined through the lens of the fifth niyama; Ishvara Pranidhana which translates as ‘surrender to God’ or if you wish Ultimate reality or ever the higher Self, the true self.