Dear friends!
I came upon a Johnny Nash song. I Can See Clearly Now (Lyrics by Jimmy Cliff):
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright
Bright sunshiny day.
Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow i’ve been praying for….
What obscures our site?
Well in Yoga the obstacles for not being able to see clearly are called the Kleshas and they are considered to be the root of our suffering. Here are five kleshas: Avidya is the lack of knowledge or ignorance. It is the misconception of our true reality, of who we truly are, and it is the source of all other kleshas. Asmita (i-am-ness) the identification with our egoic self. Me myself, mine..that causes separation between I and the other. If we acknowledge our soul, then there is no other, then there is oneness between all beings. Raga (attachment) to pleasurable experiences and possessions, attachment to worldly things. This can never last, and so the only true happiness is to search within. Dvesha (repulsion) It is the opposite of raga, aversion towards things that produce unpleasant experiences. But in doing so we miss as our dislikes can be gazed upon as opportunities for growth. Abhinivesha (clinging to live) the fear of death.
The only way to overcome these obstacles is to witness them acknowledge them, and see the role they play on our well being.
Once we recognize that, we can start the work on eliminating them from our mind.
Seeing clearly is a courageous act of the one that embarks on the journey of Yoga
Atha yoga anushasanam
OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti