The Heart Chakra – Anahata

Dear friends💜

The Heart Chakra, the Anahata is the bridge between matter and spirit. It is associated with unconditional love, compassion and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. Anahata means unstruck, unbroken. It is said in many of the scriptures that there is a sound which is non physical and non empirical, which is transcendental in nature, and this sound is endless and unbroken in the same way that the heart beats faithfully and continuously from before birth up until death.

Holding Back Feelings, Holding Breath
” Whenever our feelings are hurt (especially as children) We react protectively and close down our feelings. In the heart chakra, we access feelings by use of the breath. When we hold back our feelings, we hold our breath. When we hold the breath, we restrict the vital nourishment of air to our cells and muscles, and, in effect, deaden ourselves. Deepening the breath allows repressed feelings to surface and be mobilized, freeing the heart from the heaviness of grief and allowing the natural balance of taking and letting go to be restored.” Anodea Judith

And in my life, I did try to block and protect and shield and numb….but luckily understood that there is too much effort spent on keeping walls up and so I slowly, brick by brick, thread by thread tore these defenses down…
Still work to be done….always work to be done but it is part of living. The Art of Living….is to allow…to be moved and touched…to see the suffering but to not forget the beauty and the goodness around.
Every day I am making a conscious choice of where to focus my attention. And I am committed to seeing love and light around me, emanating through me, through others..

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