The Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana

Dear friends💜

The Second Chakra is associated with the water element. It relates to letting go, flowing, moving, feeling, yielding and change. In the first chakra we learn to ground, stabilize and focus. Now in the second chakra, Svadhisthana, our challenge is just the opposite, to let go, to flow and move, to feel and to yield.

Through balancing this chakra we also recover our right to feel:

“Emotional numbness is the approved ideal for public behavior. Emotional reactions are frowned upon as a sign of losing control….Without passion and pleasure, our lives blur into senseless sameness, our feelings dulled behind the daily subroutines of expected behavior. In recovering the second chakra, we reclaim our right to feel. We also reclaim passion and pleasure, neediness and vulnerability, and our sensate connection to both inner and outer reality. We free the flow of dynamic energy that is essential for growth, change, and transformation and release the armor that separates us. We can then reclaim the intimacy that we long for, ending our fragmented isolation” Anodea Judit

And in my own practice there was always dance, as a way to express myself, as a way to feel more alive…So it is very special for me to be leading `Neshama Dance` (The Dance Of The Soul) for the women of my congregation.
What is Neshama Dance?: About 5 years ago I met my friend Shirona for the first time. It was during a women’s event where I saw her elegant presence that so impressed me and also reminded me of my mother. Later I found out that they share the same date of birth, years apart of course.
Shirona sat next to me and once realizing that we are both Israelis, we switched to Hebrew. After just a few minutes of talking, Shirona surprised me by saying she has something to give me…A dance movement with 12 rhythms and intentions that she has created…explaining that she feels it with her intuition that I am the right person to lead it.
Well, embracing change is possible with a balanced Sacral Chakra and I am given an opportunity to do just that. I planned to lead it with Shirona present there with me, thinking we had time, but we did not. Now, I am leading it tomorrow in her memory.

When by the ocean
Witnessing the dance of waves I am in awe
Then remembering my friend on her dying bed
standing by the gates of heaven and yet
returning to share
Saying WOW again and again
WOW, it is so beautiful here….

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