Dear friends💜
Just came back from a one day Vipassana course at Onalaska Washington.
It feels right, after 6 hours of meditation, which requires discipline and will power to write about the Manipura Chakra.
The third chakra Manipura is associated with the fire element. It relates to energy, kundalini, power and transformation.
“The center of dynamism, energy, will power and achievements and it is often compared to the dazzling heat and power of the sun, without which life on earth would not exist. In the same way that the sun continuously radiates energy to the planets, manipura chakra radiates and distributes pranic energy throughout the entire human framework, regulating and energizing the various activities of organs, systems and processes of life.”
“According to the Buddhist tradition and many of the tantric texts, the actual awakening of kundalini takes place from the Manipura and not from Muladhara. Muladhara is the seat of kundalini, Svadhisthana (sacral) is the abode, and the awakening takes place in Manipura…Up to this point kundalini may awaken and arise many times, only to recede again, but awakening of manipura is what we call a confirmed awakening.” (Both quotes bySwami Satyananda Sarawati)